Savour Fare Has Moved!

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Quick Housekeeping Note

I’m moving Savour-Fare to my own host, and there may be some downtime. Will post status updates on Twitter @Savour.

Make Your Mother Happy — Mint Tea Fruit Terrine

jello gelatin moulded molded mould mold fruit salad
I know what you’re saying to me. You’re saying, “Kate, it is Mother’s Day on Sunday and you have provided me with NO recipes to prepare/give to my children to prepare for Mother’s Day brunch. You keep prattling on about Cinco de Mayo and it is LONG GONE.”

Savour Fare has moved! For the recipe, please see

Cinco de Mayo 2 — Easy Chicken Chilaquiles

I recognize that it’s a little on the late side for many of you to cook this for Cinco de Mayo. I have heard rumors, however, that in some parts of Texas, Cinco de Mayo has been rescheduled for September due to concerns over swine flu. They’re also planning to push back the 4th of July to November.

Regardless of when you celebrate Cinco de Mayo, or whether you celebrate Cinco de Mayo, this dish is worthy to add to your repertoire. I got the recipe from my mother, who is a source to be reckoned with. She works full time, has written several books, travels the world on a regular basis (I think right now she’s somewhere in the Aegean) and still manages to cook dinner nearly every night (skipping the nights on the Aegean). So you knw that any recipe that comes from a woman like this is 1) simple to prepare, because she does not have TIME for excessively complicated dishes and 2) delicious, because she has high standards.

Savour Fare has moved! For the rest of the post and the recipe, please see

Cinco De Mayo 1 – Aztec Chocolate Cookies

chewy chocolate chili cookies mexican aztec mayan

I am rather more-ish when it comes to cookies. You will probably not find me waxing rhapsodic about the simple charms of a basic, not-too-sweet butter cookie. I want a little more going on when it comes to cookies. More flavors, more textures, more zing. And more cookies please.

Savour-Fare has moved! For the rest of the post and the recipe, please visit